Understanding Ice Damns, Do You Have the Right Coverage?

Understanding the Ice Damn Making sure your home and property are protected is a safety net for your home when nature takes it toll. And if you live in Michigan, you know what to expect however, being prepared for the unexpected is the key. Ice dams form when the snow melts on an upper, warmer […]
Do I Need Boat Insurance? | Keego Harbor MI

Insurance is probably not what you think of when you think about owning a boat. But in two states boat insurance is legally required to own and operate a boat, in many of the others it’s strongly encouraged to make sure you’re protecting yourself and your investment in your boat. So, while you may not […]
5 Reasons to Have Business Insurance | Keego Harbor

You need business insurance. Plain and simple. It may seem like a headache or stressful, but a company cannot function without business insurance, in many cases legally. Business insurance is a requirement by law and by function of your professionalism and is one of the first things you should do when you start your own […]
Tips for Buying Car Insurance | Keego Harbor Michigan

There are so many options to choose from when it comes to purchasing car insurance. You can choose from larger, national car insurance providers or choose from a local, smaller car insurance provider. Most people buy car insurance because it’s required in the state that they live in before they can drive. They usually choose […]
Homeowners Coverage’s That You Should Know About

Most clients know that jewelry insurance can be added to the Homeowners policy. Did you know that there is an optional coverage you can add called Agreed Amount? The purpose is to have the insurance company agree with the appraised value. In the event the ring is lost, the insurance company cannot offer you less […]